What are strings?
✨ In computer science, sequences of characters are called strings.
✨ They can be of any length.
✨ They can include any character such as letters, numbers, symbols or whitespace(spaces, tabs, new lines).
Below is a list of Python string methods ;)
String Methods
👉 capitalize(): Converts first character to uppercase.
👉 casefold(): converts string into lowercase.
👉 center(): returns a centered string.
👉 count(): returns the number of times a specified value occured in a string.
👉 encode(): returns an encoded string
👉 endswith(): returns true if string ended with the specified value.
👉 expandtabs(): sets tab size of the string.
👉 find() and index(): searches string for a specified value and returns the position of where the value was found.
👉 isascii(): returns true if all characters of a string are ascii characters.
👉 isdecimal(): returns true of all characters of a string are decimals.
👉 isdigit(): returns true if all characters in a string are digits.
👉 format() and format_map(): format specified value in a string.
👉 isalnum(): Returns true if all characters of a string are alphanumeric.
👉 isalpha(): Returns true if all characters of a string are in the alphabet.
👉 isnumeric(): returns true if all characters in a string are numeric.
👉 isprintable(): returns true if all characters in a string are printable.
👉 islower(): returns true if all characters of string are lower case.
👉 isupper(): returns true if all characters of string are upper case.
👉 join(): joins the elements of an iterable to end of a string.
👉 lower(): converts string in lower case.
👉 upper(): converts string in upper case.
👉partition(): return a tuple where string is parted in 3 portions.
👉 split(): splits the string at the specified separated and the returns a list.
👉 splitlines(): split string at line breaks and then returns a list.
👉 strip(): returns a trimmed version of a string.
👉 swapcase(): swaps cases, upper case becomes lower case and vice versa.
👉 title(): converts the first character of each word of a string to upper case.
👉 zfill(): fills string with specified number of 0 values at the beginning
👉 replace(): returns a string where the specified value is replaced with a specified value.
👉 isidentifier(): returns true if a string is an identifier.
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